21 February 2018

Every animal, including Human animals needs to be totally and constantly AWARE of its immediate surroundings. Going right back to the cave-man era, the caveman had to be constantly alert for attacks by wild animals. There needed to be immediate recognition of any dangers. Was the approaching animal dangerous? Could it be beaten in a fight? If not, could it be outrun? This is the well known fight or flight syndrome. One of the causes of today’s stress. It’s the “little bits of stress” that builds into depression.

We don’t have any wild beasts roaming city streets, but our fight or flight syndrome is still triggered by our modern concepts of personal danger. It’s suggested that our modern society is by far more stressful than any primeval jungle. The possible danger signals come to us through our normal inputs eg: sight, hearing and smell and is quickly passed to your subconscious mind WHERE ALL YOUR MEMORIES ARE !! exactly the same as your computer memory bank in your computer’s hardrive. Your subconscious mind then checks through its memory back to try and get a PATTERN MATCH of the incoming signals to see if they represent possible ganger. A decision is then made to stand and fight or to run out of danger’s way. But the mind has other uses for pattern matching, one of which would be communication. Humans communicate with each other by verbal means (talking) and by sign language specifically for deaf/dumb people. and just for being rude to others (the middle finger) but also for field sports eg: cricket and baseball. and also for silent communication in military action. Let’s focus on simple everyday talking. Hopefully you’ve seen that ALL memories of every type have been saved in the memory bank of the subconscious mind. That means memories relating to your own personal health events eg: how often you do (or don’t) catch a cold, what physical injuries have you had, and when did you have that (or those) stroke/sand just everything about your body, gender irrelevant. But we’re focussing on talking. Which means words. When you started being taught your first language as a child, you had to remember literally every single word. Normally, the first word would be Mama perhaps followed by papa and so on. Each and every single word is just a sound and every sound had to be remembered by your subconscious mind. Thousands of them, just different sounds and every sound and inclination being a word.

The subconscious mind also has the ability to create – let’s call them mind pictures. When the mind hears the sound ‘mama’, up would come the picture of your mum. If she died say 20 years ago, up would come the picture of how you last saw her. The thought here is that the memory has been sitting in your subconscious mind for more than 20 years. Even if you hear the word “Mother”, the same picture will come up as if you heard the word mum The memory bank in your subconscious mind will pattern match the same ‘memory’ to both words. Do NOT ask me “why”? or “how”?

When your conscious mind hears the sound “Mother” it ‘sends it back’ to the subconscious mind which then sends that sound right through to its memory bank to check if there’s a similar pattern match to that sound. There’s your PATTERN MATCHING. It applies to all words bar none. It’s exactly the same if your mum hadn’t died and you saw her at breakfast this morning. When your conscious mind hears the sound “Mother”, it still has to send it back to the subconscious mind which still has to do the pattern match and up come the picture of your mamas you last saw her. HOWEVER, the memory of when you saw her 20 years ago also comes up IF YOUR CONSCIOUC MIND WANTS IT TO, and also all the other times you’ve ever seen her. You see, ALL the memories of ALL the events of your life are kept in your memory bank until you die. NO ifs. No buts. Another pattern match: So, you her the English word MOON. Your subconscious mind matches that up with a picture of the moon, and you (your mind!) knows exactly what the speaker is meaning. All normal pattern matching! But i you hear the word LUNE, your subconscious mind will not be able to find a pattern (picture) match to the word-sound LUNE, so it will mean nothing to you because the speaker is French and is speaking French and the French sound/word of LUNE is the English sound/word MOON He would ‘see’ a picture of the moon, but the non French speaking person wouldn’t. You could go further…if the French speaking person speaks French AND English, both word/sounds would bring up a picture of the moon – in his mind, if no-where else.

The sub mind has to pattern match EVERY word or you are not able to connect the words up. This has to mean that both your minds have to be in constant 24/7 connection with each other. Which also means that hypnotherapist has only to ask a question of the past (YOUR past) and that gets him into your memory bank and into your subconscious mind. And that’s hypnosis! Which then has only to be deepened and focussed on what he wants to alter in your mind. THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS “CAN’T BE HYPNOTISED” Just different levels of hypnosis…

The mind doesn’t pattern match just words, but everything else. You see by the two previous examples of pattern matching that as soon as you start THINKING or imagining about other things and/or events (apart from what’s happening right NOW-the present moment), you’re moving away from the conscious world (your conscious mind)and into the story on TV. Which means out of your conscious mind and into your subconscious mind Clarifying that ! If you’re deeply involved in the TV story, you are not aware of what’s going on in your real life- the conscious world- your conscious mind … If you really get into this understanding, you will realise that you just start thinking-imagining-another place or scenario or event and your subconscious mind will pattern match what you’re thinking and subconsciously ‘take’ you there. You will BE there as deeply as you’re IN that TV show.

We humans are a weird lot 🙂 I resemble that remark! 🙂

When you consider the instant communication between your two minds, you can understand that the hypnotherapist – or you if you’re using hypnotherapy – can instantly access your subconscious mind simply by THINKING of somewhere else. Once you’re aware that you’re ‘somewhere else’ you cn stay there by simply continuing to think about that other place – just like you stay in the TV movie. You may need to practise this a little bit. You do it by keep on thinking about the other place you’re in. You’ll get used to it. Pattern matching is necessary, even mandatory, throughout every facet of your life. You want to tie up your shoelaces? You HAVE TO (you DO) move from your conscious mind into your sub conscious to remember how to do that-and every time too. Even if you do it ‘without thinking about it’ But of course you DO think about it – subconsciously. Sure it’s grown to be a HABIT and habits are kept in your subconscious mind aren’t they? and that mind still has to remember how it’s done. That goes for just about everything. Did you have a shower his morning? You HAD to move out of your conscious mind into your subconscious mind’s memory bank to remember that … and you didn’t even have to ‘think about it’ … Got it?